Algoma Family Services Foundation Annual CampaignsOUR ANNUAL CAMPAIGN
Supporting Algoma Family Services
Our Annual Campaigns strive to raise money to support the programs and services of Algoma Family Services. With a holiday mailing in mid-November and one for our Summer Camps in the Spring, our Annual Campaigns raise money for Camp Sponsorship, Therapeutic Group Programs, Psychological Assessments, Crisis Follow-up and many more.
Our Commitment
Without the community’s support, these programs will not be available to the children, youth, adults and families who need our services.
To make a difference in the lives of our children, youth and families, please support our Annual Campaigns by donating today. Please call (705) 945.5050 or email us at

Holiday Campaign
AFS Foundation's Annual Holiday Campaign takes place during the months of November to January where we mail out packages to our campaign recipients. This campaign raises money to support the programs and services at Algoma Family Services such as Therapeutic Group Programs, Psychological Assessments, Crisis Follow-Up and many more.

Summer Camp
Algoma Family Services Foundation's Annual Summer Campaign takes place during the spring where we mail packages to our Summer Campaign recipients. Donations from community members such as yourself have made it possible for us to help many children and youth who are experiencing mental health problems like anxiety, depression, trauma, and serious conduct/behavioural issues.

Holiday Campaign
As the Foundation for Algoma Family Services, we are on the cusp of being able to help change not just one life, but hundreds. We would not have been able to do this without your support.
Your contributions have helped Algoma Family Services serve over 1700 children, youth and their families last year, within the Algoma District. Our counsellors, clinicians, psychologists, support staff – every one who works at Algoma Family Services, joins us in thanking you for your generous continued partnership and support.
You are helping the team at Algoma Family Services touch the lives of hundreds – whether clients are facing an urgent need, a devastating mental health challenge or seeking to improve their quality of life.
Psychological assessments are so important for client’s diagnosis and treatments, but the sad reality is that local children and families often have to wait about 8 to 10 months to receive this service.
Consider Alan’s story…
Alan (not his real name) is 9 years old; he lives with his parents and two older siblings. From an early age, he has had a challenging temperament and difficulty getting along with other children his age. His comprehension of social situations has always seemed “off” to his parents and he prefers playing with younger children. Recently, Alan started acting-out aggressively at home and at school. He often argues with his parents and gets into many fights with his siblings. He also began to be disrespectful toward his teacher and received in-school suspensions. He has also been engaging in more “hands-on” behaviour with peers. Alan seems sad and grouchy much of the time. To make matters worse, he is falling behind in school. Despite support from his teacher, he struggles with reading, spelling, and math. Parents were concerned about his mental health and they contacted Algoma Family Services for support. Alan is now on a wait-list to see a mental health worker. A psychological assessment was also requested to help with treatment and service planning, but he waits . . .
Did you know a donation of $100 works out to just $0.27 per day and donations over $20 are tax deductible?
You can help us to make sure Alan receives a timely assessment. But he isn’t the only one who needs help.
During this Holiday season, your support will help kids just like Alan who continue to struggle while they wait. Your support will be a lifeline for their families.
Your donation today will help children and youth in our community that struggle each and every day with their mental health. If you would like to be a part of our mailing list or donate to this campaign, please email or call us at (705) 945.5050.
Donors receive a tax receipt for donations of $20.00 or more that will be mailed to you.
Summer Camp
Donations from community members such as yourself have made it possible for us to help many children and youth who are experiencing mental health problems like anxiety, depression, trauma, and serious conduct/behavioural issues. These children are given the opportunity to attend a Summer Camp called Adventure-Based Learning Camp (ABL) who are not able to participate in regular summer camps.
The Algoma Family Services (ABL) camp is a recreational summer camp for children in our community with therapeutic mental health concerns. ABL was created for children who could not cope in a regular summer camp due to their emotional, social or behavioural issues. The program is a one week long day camp offered in two locations: Heyden and Elliot Lake, where children experience, in their own local setting, a safe, supportive and caring environment. The camp is designed to assist participants to try new and exciting challenging activities that they would not normally have the opportunity to do; activities such as hiking, canoeing, outdoor survival training and mountain biking. Our participants, ages 9-12, are not only having the time of their life, but qualified and trained clinical staff are on hand to work through and deal with any insecurities, behaviours and anxieties that may arise. Unlike regular summer camps, where these children struggle to maintain regular attendance and membership, attendance at ABL remains consistently high. At the end of each day, the children are exhausted but look forward to the adventures that the next day will bring.
“Having the opportunity as the clinician at the Adventure-Based Learning camps I’ve seen firsthand the benefits these camps have on our clients. The impeccable perseverance each client exhibits throughout the camp teaches each one of them about building self-esteem, self-confidence, having a sense of team, taking safe risks as well as working on physical and emotional strength. I hope that this camp can continue for the clients we serve as the benefits far outweigh any of the risks and challenges they face.” ABL Clinician, Algoma Family Services.
Your generous gift to our Summer Camp Fund will:
- Sponsor a local child/youth to attend the Adventure-Based Learning camp;
- Create memories that will last a lifetime
Call us today at (705) 945.5050 to make your donation to our Summer Camp Fund or send us an email to
Thank you to those supporters who have donated this year and in the past!

Rebound North
Adventure Based Summer Day Camp
Social Skills- Self Esteem Group
Crisis Follow-Up (CFU)
Teen Girls Support Group – Let’s Chat
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
Strengthening Families for the Future
Get to know your community – Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new friends and lend a helping hand!
There are many volunteer opportunities at Algoma Family Services Foundation. Whether you would like to join our Board of Directors, sit on a fundraising committee or help out with an event – there is something for you!